Thursday, February 24, 2011

Gym Hamster - Week 4 Update

I am convinced a treadmill and/or recumbent bike is nothing more than a human hamster wheel. Of course hamsters run in hopes of not only exercising, but hoping they end up somewhere else... and really it's what you do on a treadmill too. You want to end up somewhere else. You want to be in a different place. For a while it seems absolutely silly. It certainly doesn't look like you're going anywhere... but you are. It's just slow. It takes a lotta miles on that treadmill (or my favorite recumbent bike) to actually see where you're headed.

Overall my weight loss has not yet been significant. I hope in the next few weeks to be below the 200 pound mark. And that will be awesome... then I'll start looking forward to getting below the 190 mark... but I know this will be a slow process. It can be all too easy to want to focus on the numbers when I know I'm making progress in other areas.

A major off-the-scale victory this week is my blood pressure... Literally the day before I started going to the gym my doctor started me on a 2nd blood pressure medication. Having to get on another medication was a serious wake up call. I was already extremely frustrated by my weight gain... but having to go on a 2nd blood pressure medication at 32 was just crazy. I HAVE to stop this cycle. I have too. I already have high cholesterol and high triglycerides. Those diagnoses along with being obese are primary indicators of metabolic syndrome. Meaning my body doesn't process sugars well... it's called being insulin resistant. You can read more about that here. Another common indicator of metabolic syndrome is diabetes...and I do NOT want to head down that road. So it's time to stop the cycle.

When I checked my blood pressure at the gym before exercising yesterday it was 117/79. That is the lowest it's been in YEARS. IT gives me real hope that I can eventually lose enough weight and get healthy enough to possibly get off the medication completely! And that's an off the scale victory I will celebrate!

I've been journaling my progress on a little blog called "Gluten Free Strawberry" feel free to read the blog if you'd like. It's more of a way for me to quietly journal and figure this thing out... and it's helpful. It also helps keep me accountable.

This week has been easier than I thought it would be. I've just been going to the gym. I don't even really think about it. It's also my date with Dr. Phil! :-P I listen to the show on my mp3 player while I'm exercising (we all need excuses to watch Dr. Phil right?) and I almost feel like it's really becoming just a habit. Just something I do during my week. Just another part of my daily schedule. And that is huge.

I really appreciate all of your support and prayers in this journey. I really couldn't do this without the support from so many friends & fellow bloggers. The support of my online community is amazing and I am so blessed! Thank you!

How's your week going?

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Monday, February 21, 2011

This Week's Menu with Turkey Kielbasa and Sauteed Kale

Dinner Tonight: 1 cup homemade black eyed peas, with 3.5 oz. turkey kielbasa & veggies served over kale and mushrooms

I haven't posted a weekly menu in a while and I planned well this week so here's what we're making! What are you making this week?

  • GF Sandwiches made with Udi's bread
  • Green Pepper Slices or celery sticks with hummus
  • Apple "Fries" (Just sliced apples, but they sound more exciting when you call them fries! lol)
  • Leftovers  -OR-
  • Breakfast for dinner: scrambled eggs, apple & banana fruit salad, turkey bacon
  • Traveling - Dinner Out



  • As long as I plan ahead, I make enough of our dinner the previous night to have lunch the next day!


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Friday, February 18, 2011

Gym Hamster Recovers - Week 3 Update

Gym Hamster & hubs spent a LOT of time sleeping this week. Constant coughing, headaches, sinus pain and drainage, nausea... you name it we had it. Hubs actually is getting over a double whammy of bronchitis and pneumonia... so it's been a rough week for us. I haven't made it to the gym once... but that's okay. I'm ready to start again next week.

Honestly, I was scared to get sick. I thought if I get sick and I miss my "routine" of going to the gym, I'll never get back into it. That's it... I can't stick with anything once I break my "routine" I'm done for.

But through the whole time of being sick and now being on the mend... I know I'm not done for. Throughout this whole week, while I didn't go to the gym, I still was very careful about what I was eating. While I didn't write things down in my journal (which can be dangerous) I listened to my body. I ate only when I was hungry. I stopped when I was full. It was pretty amazing to me actually. I did have an afternoon when I REALLY wanted to munch and I wanted it to be chocolate... but I realized that I was just hungry since I hadn't eaten anything since an early lunch, so I had an apple with 2 measured tablespoons of peanut butter.  Craving gone. Solved. I listened.

I'm learning how to make this a lifestyle. What's so different about this approach to everything I've done in the past is that I'm seriously taking it step by step. Day by day. I'm changing small things, which lead to bigger things.

I know a 70 lb. weight loss is a LONG way away... I have an unofficial goal of hopefully meeting that number by next year. But more importantly I'm focused on the routine. Make it to the gym when you're well. Stay home when you're sick. Eat well regardless of how you feel. Listen to your body. Celebrate every tiny off-the-scale victory. You're worth it.

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Gym Hamster - Week 2 Update

So I'm not exactly a "gym rat" yet... but we'll settle for gym hamster with itty bitty weights... I'm getting there.

It's week two. The novelty of the gym showers has worn off, but I do look forward to going! My goal is 3-4 days a week: 45 minutes of cardio each time + this week I'm adding a strength training routine for at least one day a week.

This gym has a cool system that tracks your progress & keeps a routine scheduled for you.. so basically you just have to show up and do it.

If anything, this is something huge I'm learning: Just show up. Don't think about it, don't question it. It doesn't matter if you don't want too.  Just do it. Nike makes a lot of money for a reason.

I've already had several days when I really haven't wanted to go. I'm tired. It makes my already busy life even busier... it means less time with my husband in the afternoons. It means meals are even simpler than they already were and not anything exciting. It means this week I haven't been able to keep up with those dishes that are always haunting me... but I also know eventually I'll figure it all out.

I know eventually I'll figure out how to balance all of it and it will eventually just become a way of life. But it doesn't happen immediately. I think most of my life I've expected "immediately."

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One person who has really helped me over the past two months is Erin Elbertson of She's been a constant email support. She's answered every question I've had. She's been my cheerleader & advisor. She's an amazing woman. I will soon be sharing my absolute praise for her & her gluten free nutrition and wellness program. I highly recommend her program if you need help getting your fitness & nutrition back on track. Trust me, it will be worth EVERY penny. Erin, I can't thank you enough my friend. You are such an inspiration to me.

So, as life changes, so will this website. I apologize in advance that I won't be able to update you with new recipes nearly as often as I have in the past... I will as I have time and as always, I'm ever thankful that you are reading, baking gluten free, and enjoying the recipes here. There will be more!

I hope you are all having a wonderful week!

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Monday, February 7, 2011

Gluten Free Almond Flour Double Chocolate Brownies Recipe

Here's a quick lower glycemic chocolate treat for you. I made these last night and was really impressed at how well they turned out! If you can tolerate almonds & eggs, I highly recommend these tasty little brownies. They are very fudgy & chocolately without a lot of sugar or simple carbohydrates.

Since I'm seriously watching my "sweets" intake, I ate one of these little brownies and wrapped the rest of them up and froze them. Michael loved them and took 2 to work with him. I don't feel bad about him eating these little brownies because they are full of healthy fats & just a little bit of sugar.

Almond Flour Double Chocolate Brownies
free of gluten, dairy/casein, and soy
created by carrie forbes of
printer-friendly recipe

Dry Ingredients:
2 1/2 cups (252 grams) blanched almond flour
1/4 cup (26 grams) cocoa
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/3 cup sugar -or- palm sugar (I used palm sugar)

Wet Ingredients:
1/4 cup canola oil  -or- your favorite oil
2 eggs
1/2 cup + 2 tablespoons applesauce
1/2 teaspoons liquid vanilla stevia (optional -- but adds a bit more sweetness!)
1 tablespoon vanilla extract

Optional Add In's:
1/2 cup allergen free chocolate chips like Enjoy Life

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a 9 x 13" baking dish with parchment paper or spritz with non-stick cooking spray or oil. Whisk all dry ingredients together in a large bowl. In another bowl whisk together all wet ingredients. Stir the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and finally fold in the chocolate chips. Pour the batter into the prepared 9 x 13" baking dish and spread evenly throughout with a spatula. Bake for 30-35 minutes until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out (mostly) clean - you may run into chocolate chips, so there may be a little on the toothpick, or until the brownies, spring back just a little when you gently touch them. Allow to cool in the pan for 30 minutes, then cut into 24 brownies with a sharp knife. Eat one or two slowly and enjoy them! They are filling since they are made with almond flour! Wrap the rest & freeze! Pull one out when you need a chocolate fix!

Carrie's Notes:
  • I added the weight measurements for the flours in this recipe for those that weigh their ingredients. If you don't use weight measurements, please note I pack almond flour in a cup much like you would brown sugar. 
  • I used palm sugar in this recipe to lower the overall white sugar content and glycemic index. Feel free to use the sugar or sugar substitute of your choice.
  • Egg-Free - I'm fairly confident this recipe would work using a flax seed or chia seed egg substitute if you are intolerant of eggs. Here's a handy Vegan Egg-Free Baking Substitutes Chart
  • I used canola oil, because it's what I keep on hand... but use the oil you like best! 
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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

{Gluten Free One Pot Meals} Quick Chicken & Broccoli Skillet Recipe

Cute & super cheap "diner-style" wide flat bowls we found!!
Love this quick, one pot skillet meal Michael & I came up with tonight. It literally took us less than 20 minutes to make dinner, that included all the prep work & cooking!

After my health assessment at the gym yesterday I knew I needed to be more serious about cutting back on added fat and sodium. Even though we've really cut back from portion sizes, salt, and types of fat we use... I know I'm still adding too much to meals inadvertently.

So dinner tonight has no added salt. Feel free to add some if you'd like. It also has very little fat, but TONS of flavor. I've been using Kitchen Basic's gluten free unsalted chicken broth for months! I love using it in soups and stews, but it's also nice as a light sauce in one pot dishes like this!

As with most of the one pot meals I'll be sharing, this recipe is just an outline. Feel free to play. Use flavors or seasonings that suit your family's tastes and health needs. I used Mrs. Dash's salt free Caribbean Citrus for the meal tonight. I thought it added a really zesty & fun flavor to the dish. Next time I might even add a splash of pineapple juice to the broth to compliment the seasoning!

The meal cooked in about 15 minutes. I decided to just make it a one pot meal so there would be less dishes to wash and really... it's just so much easier to store the leftovers!

Quick & Easy Tip: For the cooked brown rice in this recipe I used Bird's Eye Steamfresh brown rice in a microwavable bag.  Another great option is Uncle Ben's Ready Rice, it's already cooked and just takes 90 seconds in the microwave to heat up (and it's completely gluten free whole grain brown rice!) If want to make pre-cooked brown rice for this week, this is a great way to do it: Brown Rice Bowls, from the 30 Days GF Quick & Easy Meals series.

Quick Chicken & Broccoli One Pot Skillet Meal
-a recipe template by Carrie Forbes of -
free of gluten, dairy/casein and soy

1 lb. boneless chicken breasts or skinless chicken thighs (breasts are healthier, but I only had thighs in the freezer)
1 tablespoon olive oil or non-stick cooking spray
3-4 cups fresh (or frozen) broccoli florets
1 cup sliced mushrooms (fresh or canned - just make sure to rinse canned thoroughly, to remove excess salt)
1 small onion, finely chopped (-OR- If you're in a hurry just use 2-3 tablespoons of dried onion flakes)
1-2 tablespoons sweet rice flour
1 1/2 - 2 cups unsalted chicken broth
2 cups cooked brown rice
freshly ground pepper
2-3 teaspoons garlic powder (we love garlic!! Also of course you can just use fresh garlic)
2-3 teaspoons Mrs. Dash's salt free Caribbean Citrus seasoning (or your favorite flavor!)
*Optional: 1 tablespoon chopped roasted red peppers -or- pimientos to sprinkle on each serving

Cut the chicken into bite size pieces, the smaller the pieces the faster they will cook in the skillet meal! Add olive oil or non-stick cooking spray to your large skillet and heat until it sizzles. Add chicken to hot skillet and cook for about 4 minutes on each side until it's browned and cooked through. Add broccoli, mushrooms, and onions to the skillet and stir. Sprinkle sweet rice flour over all ingredients in the pan and slowly pour in 1 1/2 - 2 cups of unsalted chicken broth over the vegetables and chicken. Add remaining seasonings and stir. Cover dish and cook for 5-10 additional minutes until the sauce thickens slightly (and it will continue to thicken when it's cool) and is simmering! Makes 4-6 (about 1 cup) servings.

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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

New Month, New Challenge

I joined a gym.

There. I said. it. Now I have to do it. 

I had no idea how incredibly intimidated I would feel.

Before I was married I was a member at Curves. I even worked there for a short time. It was a great gym for women, but the work out was very routine and actually after a while I was a bit bored.

I know I need the intensity of a regular "gym." But at the same time this is one of the biggest hurdles I'm going to face. To get in there with fit, lean, healthy people and have to show the world how unfit I really am.

So here it goes... trainer session is next week... until then I have time to get more comfortable about being there. Thursday is day one.
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