You probably noticed I've been posting less frequently as of late.
Life gets busy and sometimes priorities must be rearranged.
I've also felt the need to only post recipes that truly work well. You see, I want you to have success in your gluten free kitchen, especially when you do me the honor of trying one of my recipes. It's a sincere compliment for you to take the time to print out a recipe and make something that I have shared.
I feel at times I've been in a hurry and I've shared recipes that actually needed a bit more tweaking before being posted. So, I hope you will bear with me as I try to simply post what I feel are my best recipes. Meanwhile, If you have a recipe to share with me (and I'm always seeking out new ideas) please feel free to email me at gingerlemon_girl at yahoo dot com.
I have several things to share with you today. First being the menu for this week. With our crazy work schedules, we are eating simple, VERY frugal, usually one pot meals or salads. Here is what we will probably be eating this week:
The actual ingredient of the week is cabbage, and hopefully soon, I'll be posting my new favorite coleslaw recipe! But this week we won't be eating cabbage and I'll be serving asparagus for my mom-in-law!

Visit Gluten Free Mommy for more gluten free menus this week!
You can also find great meal plans and menus at Org Junkie's Menu Plan Mondays!
Spinach and Swiss Cheese Quiche
Green Leaf Salad
Quick Chicken Stir Fry with Brown Rice -or-
Tuna Salad Sandwiches with Fresh Fruit
Grilled Cheese Sandwiches on GF Sandwich Bread
Tomato and Cucumber Salad with Feta Cheese
Day off from work and Michael's parents coming over --
I'll be preparing a GF, low-residue meal for Michael's mom
GF Macaroni and Cheese
Lemon Baked Salmon
Steamed Pumpkin
Asparagus tips with white sauce
Dessert: Vanilla Rice Pudding
Taco Salads -or-
Baked Potatoes with Homemade Chili
Baked Goods and Breakfasts
Karen Joy's Allergen Free "oatmeal" breakfast cookies (AWESOME!!)
My Favorite Gluten Free Sandwich Bread

I'll be hosting this month's "Go Ahead Honey It's Gluten Free" blogging event, started by Naomi at Straight into Bed Cakefree and Dried.
The theme for June 2008 is: One Pot Meals!
That means casseroles, cassolets, crock pot meals, salads, soups, stir fries, etc... have fun and find something your kids will love!
I LOVE one pot meals! The easier and simpler the better! These meals are great for my husband and I because it means less clean up, quicker meals, and often enough food for several meals.
Please post about your favorite one pot, kid friendly meal by June 21st and send me an email at gingerlemon_girl at yahoo dot com. Please include a permalink to your post, a picture of your meal, and tell me a little about your recipe! I will post a roundup on Monday June 30th!
Just to give you a few ideas, here are several of my favorite one pot meals:
Nan's Skillet Dinner
Cheesy Chicken and Vegetable Primavera
Fire Roasted Beef Cacciatore
Fresh Vegetable and Seafood Stirfries
Michael's Chicken Pot Pie

This Month's AWESOME Gluten Free Grill will be posted very soon!
Please stay tuned!
Gracie on her way home for the first time!
My ship must have come in! I have NEVER won in a contest or drawing before (EVER) but I was informed today that I won TWO!

I'll be hosting this month's "Go Ahead Honey It's Gluten Free" blogging event, started by Naomi at Straight into Bed Cakefree and Dried.
The theme for June 2008 is: One Pot Meals!
That means casseroles, cassolets, crock pot meals, salads, soups, stir fries, etc... have fun and find something your kids will love!
I LOVE one pot meals! The easier and simpler the better! These meals are great for my husband and I because it means less clean up, quicker meals, and often enough food for several meals.
Please post about your favorite one pot, kid friendly meal by June 21st and send me an email at gingerlemon_girl at yahoo dot com. Please include a permalink to your post, a picture of your meal, and tell me a little about your recipe! I will post a roundup on Monday June 30th!
Just to give you a few ideas, here are several of my favorite one pot meals:
Nan's Skillet Dinner
Cheesy Chicken and Vegetable Primavera
Fire Roasted Beef Cacciatore
Fresh Vegetable and Seafood Stirfries
Michael's Chicken Pot Pie

This Month's AWESOME Gluten Free Grill will be posted very soon!
Please stay tuned!
My ship must have come in! I have NEVER won in a contest or drawing before (EVER) but I was informed today that I won TWO!
- Many thanks to Rachel at Wheat Free Meat Free! I won her monthly cookbook giveaway for June! She will be sending me a copy of the book below and I cannot WAIT to receive it! Thank you so much Rachel!

- Many thanks to Cheryl at Gluten Free Goodness! I won her recent contest for a recipe containing gluten free oats! She's sending me some wonderful gluten free chocolate and you better believe I'll be eagerly awaiting my mail for that! Thanks so much Cheryl!!