Monday, February 4, 2008

This Week's Menu (February 4th - 8th) and I've been tagged

Mollie who is the queen bee around here, sticks her tongue out at us frequently.
I can't decide if she's making fun of us or not!

My ode to chicken...

Dear chicken,

I have missed you. I missed you the whole entire month of January. I am so glad we can eat you again. I don't think I could ever give you up for good. As much as my mind would like to become a vegetarian, and as much as I do enjoy tofu now that I've learned how to cook it... I still love you chicken.

I missed you more than sugar. I missed you more than milk. I missed you more than red meats (which I think I can truly live without), I missed you more than pizza... yes, I did. Thank you for being healthy, super easy to fix, low in calories, and high in protein. I just wish you were cheaper and that the Piggly Wiggly stocked organic, free-range, and vegetarian-fed versions of you. Oh well. I still love you chicken.

Sincerely from your biggest fan,
Ginger Lemon Girl

Gluten Free Menu Swap Monday

This Week's Menu:

Leftover Superbowl Appetizers and Snacks

Roast Chicken (YAY! -- My Favorite!!)
Baked Potatoes
Green Beans or Aunt Linda's Broccoli Puff

Aimee's Polenta Spinach Lasagna
Green Leaf Salad
Granny Smith Apple Slices with Caramel

Chicken Pot Pie

Sea's Delicious Peanut Tofu Stir Fry
With Coconut Millet

Breakfasts and Desserts:
The BEST Chocolate Chip Cookies (made 3 batches because my great-grandma wrote me and said she wanted a batch!)
Ginger Lemon Muffins
Sara's Baked Oatmeal
Elizabeth Barbone's Sandwich Bread


Maya's new favorite place to hang out... the bathroom sink.

I've finally been tagged!

Maybe it's a mere coincidence that in 7 months of blogging I have not been "tagged" until now! You haven't either?

Well here is how it works: I am supposed to list 7 random things about myself, post the rules, link back to the person who tagged me and then tag 7 more unsuspecting
bloggers. Here’s the rules: 1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog. 2. Share 7 random and/or weird things about yourself. 3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs. 4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

I was tagged by Carol at Simply... Gluten Free. Thanks Carol! Check out her excellent gluten free blog! This girl was an extra in "Raising Arizona!" How cool is that!

7 Random Things You Never Needed to Know about Ginger Lemon Girl:

  1. In 11th grade, I co-anchored a news program for our local high school... (boy, those were the days! Right John and Amy!) The other anchor of the news program is now a professional weatherman... and I'm writing a food blog on the side! ;-P
  2. The first cake I ever made was a carrot cake. I cut my finger shredding the carrots. I haven't made a carrot cake since. Maybe it's time.
  3. I'm addicted to books. I usually read 2-3 books a week... and that's not counting all those cookbooks I glance through on a daily basis! My personal favorite books are classic young adult books like the "Little House on the Prairie" series and the "Anne of Green Gables" series.
  4. My favorite ice-cream is plain ol' vanilla with lots of cinnamon sprinkled on top.
  5. I have really bad "test" anxiety. After failing the written portion of my driver's license test twice, I was determined that I would have a personal cab the rest of my life. My dad didn't like that suggestion. I passed on the 3rd try.
  6. Michael and I got married barefoot on the beach, in gorgeous weather during the month of October, in an unrehearsed ceremony. I'll never regret not having a traditional wedding!
  7. I have lots of freckles and very light skin. When I was little my nickname was Strawberry Shortcake.

Don't you feel like a more well-rounded person for knowing all this? Okay, now it's my turn...

I am tagging: