Monday, June 28, 2010

30 Days Gluten Free Quick & Easy Meals: Day 22 - April's Chicken Ravelli

Welcome to 30 Days Gluten Free Quick & Easy Meals!

Today's post is written by April Marlow, a fellow North Carolinian (yay April!) and author of the blog, Gluten Hates Me.

Day 22 - April's Chicken Ravelli

I am a born and raised Southerner, and most of my recipes over at Gluten Hates Me reflect my roots. But in September, I’m marrying the man of my dreams and his roots are Italian. He has been amazing since my Celiac diagnosis, and is always game for a trying out new recipes. So since he’s such a sweetie, I’ve been trying to expand my cooking into Italian…without expanding my waist line!

Chicken Ravelli was a quick and easy gluten free meal born out of my experimentation with Italian flavors. Enjoy!

April's Chicken Ravelli with a side of Balsamic Roasted Broccoli
Originally posted at Gluten Hates Me

2 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts
One can diced tomatoes with Italian Herbs (I used Del Monte)
¼ cup chopped red onion
One small container feta cheese
½ tbsp. 0live oil
1 bunch fresh broccoli
Lite balsamic viniagrette

In a small bowl, mix together the tomatoes, feta, chopped red onion, and olive oil. Salt and pepper to taste. You’ll want to make the “salsa” ahead of time, so that the flavors have time to meld. You could even make it the day before!

After cleaning your chicken, lightly season with salt and pepper. Spray a frying pan with cooking spray and heat to medium. Add chicken and cook through. Set aside.

Set your oven to broil. Clean your broccoli, and cut in to florets. Toss the florets in a light balsamic vinaigrette and spread on a cookie sheet. Cook the broccoli in the oven until it begins to darken, about 10 minutes.

To plate, spoon the Italian salsa over the chicken and serve with the broccoli on the side! Quick, easy, and delicious!

About Marlow
I'm April (Soon to Be) Ravelli, but in the blog world I'm known by my maiden name: Marlow. In June of 2008, I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease. After a final meal with an entire baguette, I went gluten free and never looked back! I started at first to cope with the stress of my new lifestyle, but once I discovered the amazing online community of readers and bloggers I was hooked! I live in Durham, NC with my fiancé Parrish and my fur-baby Max. When not experimenting in the kitchen, I can be found working for a local non-profit that is working to eradicate poverty by supporting artisans in developing countries.


Stay tuned tomorrow, Day 23 of 30 Days Gluten Free Quick & Easy Meals as Shirley from Gluten Free Easily shares an amazingly simple & delicious gluten free dinner!