Saturday, June 19, 2010

30 Days Gluten Free Quick & Easy Meals: Day 13 - Kat's Slow Cooker Chicken with Artichokes

Welcome to 30 Days Gluten Free Quick & Tasty Meals!

Today's post is written by Kat Garson author of the blog, Kat's SCD Food Blog.

Day 13 - Kat's Slow Cooker Chicken with Artichokes.

This is the one meal that has followed me through every dietary change. I used to eat it with pasta, then with rice and now with zucchini noodles. I think I have figured out how to prepare this at least 4 different ways: baking, pan stir-frying, braising, and now the slow-cooker.

I love the simplicity of making this in the slow-cooker and the wonderful nutritious broth you get as a bonus. This is a meal I make pretty often and always on work days so I don't have to spend an hour when I get home preparing dinner.

Kat's Slow-cooker Chicken with Artichokes

Serves 4

The Chicken:
1 whole chicken
1 small onion
1 large carrot

The Artichokes:
2 tbsp butter
1 can artichoke hearts
1/8 cup water
juice of 1 lemon or about 4tbsp
2 tbsp honey
3 cloves garlic, minced
a few sprigs of thyme, or 1/2 tsp thyme spice
1/2 tsp sea salt & pepper

Parmesan cheese (optional)

First thing in the morning, chop onion and carrot and place in a slow-cooker. Place chicken on top, breast side up, and pour enough water in to come half way up the chicken. Cook on low all day.

About 15 minutes before dinner prepare the sauce. Drain the artichoke hearts and cut them into halves or quarters. Melt butter in a pan over medium heat on the stove. Add artichoke hearts, water, lemon juice, honey, garlic, thyme, salt and pepper. Simmer for 5 minutes.

While the sauce is simmering, use two forks to pull chicken meat out of the slow-cooker onto plates. Spoon the sauce over the chicken. Grate Parmesan cheese over each plate (optional). Serve.

The broth and any meat leftover in the slow-cooker can be used for soup for lunch the next day. Extra broth can be strained through a sieve and stored in ice cube trays or jars in the freezer.

Carrie's Notes:
Using a slow cooker or crock pot is such a wonderful way to make a quick and easy meal! It often takes less than 20 minutes to add all the ingredients to the slow cooker and walk away! A few hours later, all you have to do is serve dinner. Easy, fast, usually a quick clean up and super healthy! A great blog resource for fast & easy gluten free slow cooker meals is Stephanie's blog, "A Year of Slow Cooking." Her "Make it Fast, Cook it Slow" cookbook is also a great gluten free buy!


About Kat:
I have been following the SCD diet since January 2008 for self-diagnosed Celiac disease. As part of the diet I don't eat grains, sugar, or potatoes and prepare all my food from scratch. I believe that food plays a huge role in achieving health and want to share my experiences in restoring my own health through change in diet. The recipes I share follow the SCD and GAPS diet protocols, but can be enjoyed by anyone who wants to eat Real Food. Please visit Kat's blog for more of her recipes and articles.


Stay tuned for Day 14 of 30 Days Gluten Free Quick & Tasty Meals. Ashlie from "The Delshad Duo" will be sharing one of her favorite fast gluten free recipes!