Monday, August 11, 2008

Late Summer Scramble

We came home late last night from a wonderful weekend visiting with my sister and dad. We had not eaten dinner and I wanted something fast, but nourishing and filling.

One of my dad's favorite side dishes is sauteed zucchini. After all the times I've seen him make it, I had never made it myself.

But I wanted sauteed zucchini for dinner. I also wanted it to be a filling and full meal. I decided to make a skillet scramble.

This was a delicious and simple dinner. My dad is now on the South Beach diet and he could easily make this scramble by using cauliflower in place of the diced baked potato. I love the protein added by the eggs, and I think this would make a supremely healthy breakfast as well! Enjoy!

Late Summer Scramble

1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon butter
salt/pepper to taste
2 teaspoons Italian seasoning
1/2 teaspoon ground chipotle pepper

2 yellow zucchini, sliced
2 green zucchini, sliced
1 small white onion, sliced
1 baked potato, diced
-and/or, instead of baked potato-
1 small head cauliflower, cut into bite size pieces
2 eggs

In a large skillet heat olive oil and butter until sizzling. Add seasonings into butter and oil. Add sliced onions and zucchini. Add the diced baked potato and/or cauliflower. Saute10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally until vegetables are fork tender. Move all vegetables to one side of the hot pan. Break eggs and place into the bare side of the pan. Using a spatula, scramble eggs. Once the eggs are fully cooked, mix into the rest of the vegetables. Correct seasonings and serve.