Wednesday, August 6, 2008

If you're interested...

Several months ago I started a new blog called "Heart of a Servant." This blog focuses on my faith, frugal living, and as you can see from the picture above: Basic Home Budgeting.

I would like to welcome all my Ginger Lemon Girl readers to hop over to Heart of a Servant if you are interested! Topics covered in this new blog range from daily frugal practices, green living, frugal recipes, Christianity and faith topics, Biblical womanhood and bible study, etc... basically all of the areas outside of gluten free baking and cooking that are important to me!

Most recently featured on Heart of a Servant : A series on Home Budgeting 101. This is a very basic, practical first course in Home Budgeting. I know this is one area many people struggle with. The system we use is practical, easy to use, and will help you take better control of your finances.

I'd love to hear your feedback on the new blog: What you think? Are the topics interesting?, etc..

And as always, please stay tuned here at Ginger Lemon Girl for delicious and nutritious gluten free recipes!

A Glance at upcoming posts on Ginger Lemon Girl:

  • Easy, Quick, Last-Minute, Master Mix Brownies
  • Upside-Down Fruit Cake
  • How to Make and Bake Gluten Free Sandwich Bread
  • "Wish I had thought of that..." Roundup 2
  • Rice Cooker 101: Great for quick, gluten free meals!
  • Several reduced sugar/alternative sugar baking recipes
  • Celebrating a blogging year anniversary with a super GF giveaway!