Monday, August 17, 2015

Back to School!

For the first time in over 12 years I'm headed back to school! I'm tempted to buy a new Jansport just to celebrate the occasion. (I actually still have my original high school Jansport from the late 90's! lol!) 

In July I was accepted into East Carolina University's Masters of Library Science program. I've worked or volunteered in libraries ever since my high school years and after talking with several co-workers about grad school I finally took leap to apply. It was a pretty big thing for me.

I thought about grad school years ago, but my GRE scores were so poor (I've never been a good "tester") that I didn't even attempt to apply to any programs. I thought for sure I'd never get in. I also I had the idea that I still didn't know what I wanted to do when I grew up! :-) (Do we ever really know?)

But considering how much I truly love libraries and how I can't imagine NOT working in a library, I figure it might just be a good time to give the master's degree program a try! And I'm actually beginning to get really excited about it!

I've been a little nervous, as it's been such a long since I've been in school and I've never used online programs like Blackboard or Saba for completely online courses, but I can't wait to see how it works! If you have any tips on completing grad school courses while working full time, I'd love to hear them!

Another big transition for the GLG household is that Michael changed jobs in June. Michael now works with the IT department at East Carolina University and we're able to commute to work together. So we're both ECU pirates now!  There are a lot of opportunities for us both with these changes and I'm excited about what the future will bring!

So Michael's been at ECU over a month now, we're commuting together... which took a little getting used too for both of us...AND... I start school next Monday! Changes... changes.... it's the only real thing you can count on in life... right?

I also want to send out a big thank you for those of you who have kept my Dad especially in your thoughts and prayers! Dad has been doing really well over the past 9 months or so. He hasn't spent a day in the hospital since last November and I'm ever so grateful! His health is slowly improving and he's getting a little bit stronger every day. He even felt well enough a few weeks ago to ask Michael to help him get his good 'ol "pick-em-up" truck cranked and started after several years of not being able to drive it. Dad even had it washed and inspected!

And for my fellow kitty lovers... here's a few of my recent favorites!

Best buddies forever!

Charlie isn't a people snuggler, but he loves sitting next to you!

And Whiskey Jack enjoys viewing the world from a different perspective!

The girls always ready to eat!

High fiving... during a nap, no less!