Saturday, April 6, 2013

Take me out to the ballgame...

Just about mid-March the "spring" itch begins.. some people just get itchin' to plant something... to get outside, to dig their fingers in the dirt, and add annuals to their spring beds.

But for me... spring    means    baseball!

Ever since we were dating my husband and I have gone to see the Mudcats battle it out around the pitch at Five County Stadium in Zebulon, NC.

There's just something comforting and "All American" to make it back to the stadium every spring. To hear the National Anthem being sung by local talent. The 13 year old boy who sang it on Friday night for the opening game had the entire stadium in a quiet hush as he opened his voice and his heart with the age-old tune. Every note bold, beautiful, with perfect pitch.

As you walk into the stadium, the scent of pizza and hotdogs and popcorn and boiled peanuts waft through the air. Your mouth begins to water... the gluten-free options? Well... few and far between, but you could also have popcorn or peanuts... maybe ice-cream if you're cool with dairy.

Instead I pack my own. Friday night's gluten-free baseball food was a fried egg & turkey bacon sandwich on Rudi's new gluten-free whole grain bread. Along with roasted pistachios in the shell and some coconut yogurt. I treat myself to a soda instead of food. I wasn't feelin' it for peanuts or popcorn.

The best mascot in local baseball: Muddy, the Mudcat! A mudcat is an American catfish often found in muddy river waters in the South. We keep our mascots classy around here.

But truly Muddy is the highlight of the game. It's coming back to see a happy old friend every year, with his fish tail swishing on his four wheeler! In between innings Muddy plays games with the kids in the crowd, tosses t-shirts to fans, and loves to make people laugh. Think: a southern catfish version of Santa... okay, maybe not.

Muddy had friends with him at this game, Mini Muddy and the happy Pig from our favorite local grocery store, THE Piggly Wiggly. I never could figure out why the pig was so happy considering his certain fate in the grocery store butcher department (after all Piggly Wiggly is KNOWN for it's awesome pork products!)

After one inning they rode around the baseball field in a gigantic grocery cart. Because where else do people ride around in a gigantic grocery cart?

Baseball games are always happy memories. Even if it's 40 degrees at an April game in rural eastern NC!

I'm proud to say that I am the one who brought a huge love of baseball to our relationship (thanks Dad!)... thankfully Michael quickly followed suit!

I love that baseball games bring out everybody, even a beautiful momma with her three babies next to her. One, super small and bundled snug in a zebra blanket.

Coffee and gloves were needed for this baseball game... it wasn't Starbucks... but it was hot.

Are we having fun yet?

Can you see it?

I'm still waiting for the zoom lens... that will have to wait until Christmas! Did you see it yet? Michael caught these great shots of the ball being pitched.

Last chance!

I told you it was cold! This guy came well prepared!

And a 10 - 1 win for the Mudcats! Bring it boys! We'll be back soon!

Are you going to a baseball game anytime soon? You should! What gluten-free goodies would you pack to take with you?