Monday, March 11, 2013

Gluten-Free Review: Three Baker's Bread - Part 1: 7 Ancient Grain

Three Bakers Bread is a small company in Moscow, Pennsylvania that makes all different kinds of gluten-free breads. The company started as a regular bakery, but several years ago the owner's daughter discovered she had celiac disease. Realizing that she could no longer eat the bread that provided her family's income, they decided they needed to learn how to make gluten-free bread. After many tests and trials they came up a number of products that are now available in several grocery stores across the US. Three Bakers also ships many of their products nationwide, so if you can't find them locally, you can have it shipped directly to your home. (If you can't order from their website -- that info seems to be down, you can order from the Gluten-Free Mall.)

They sent Michael and I several samples after Pam of I'm A Celiac, tried the breads and enjoyed them.

The first bread we tried was the 7 Ancient Grain bread. My husband has never been a "whole grain" type bread fan, so he didn't like the bread fresh and he didn't like it toasted either. He said it was too 'grainy' and had an aftertaste. I have to admit it wasn't my favorite bread either. It did have an odd aftertaste and I wasn't sure where it was coming from.

HOWEVER... as I've learned with other gluten-free whole grain breads... I decided to try the bread as the base for French Toast... and woah baby... it makes AWESOME french toast!! I'd buy the bread just to make french toast!!

Gluten-Free French Toast with Three Baker's Bread

We made the french toast simply by whisking together 2 eggs with about 1 cup of almond milk, a teaspoon of vanilla, and lots of ground cinnamon. Dunk each slice of bread (we used up the entire loaf!) generously on both sides into the egg/milk mixture and then cook for several minutes on each side until crispy and golden brown. Serve with butter and maple syrup!

We had enough leftover that I froze enough for 3 servings (3 slices each) in the freezer so I could take them to work the next week. 

Our Overall Review: 

Pros of 7 Ancient Grain Bread: 
*Large slice of bread, just like "regular" size of wheat bread for a sandwich
*Entire loaf is about 60% larger than Udi's bread, more bang for your buck
*Great nutritional stats: 7 grams of fiber per serving (2 slices), 190 calories for two slices

Cons of 7 Ancient Grain Bread: 
*We were not fans of the taste of the bread, straight from the package or toasted (however, made awesome french toast!)