Tuesday, February 12, 2013

RAK - Random Acts of Kindness Week, February 11-15

The college campus I work at has made a point to celebrate this special week the past few years. I think it's such a great idea. So often around Christmas we have feelings of giving, the awesome charitable love for others and just wanting to help... but then as the holidays fade, those kind thoughts can often get lost in the shuffle of getting back to everyday life.

I speak from experience. We just seem to sort of "forget" to be nice sometimes... and I'm probably more guilty than most. So I hope to find ways of being a little kinder this week! I'm hoping to bake some gluten-free cupcakes or cookies and sharing them with my co-workers. I also made silly valentine's to share with everyone.

For more information on this special week every year, please visit the foundation's website: randomactsofkindness.org.