Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ground Flax Seeds

Ground flax seeds are one of my favorite ingredients for baking. Somehow I left these humble, healthy little seeds out of my post on my favorite gluten free baking ingredients.

Full of amazing omega 3 fatty acids, healthy fiber, and phytochemicals (like antioxidents)... these little seeds are incredibly healthy. They not only add a great "whole grain" nuttiness to your baked goods... they are good for your heart, your cholesterol levels, and are a fantastic source for b vitamins, magnesium, and manganese.

Ground flax seeds can be used for so many things. Most often I toss a few tablespoons into baked goods (no matter what it is --

  • chocolate cake --they will never know
  • fruit/green smoothies -- a perfect source of healthy omega 3's and extra fiber, you'll never taste it!
  • cookies -- seriously
  • breads -- i love the nutty "whole-grain" appearance these seeds give to bread!
  • pancakes -- hey, you need something to combat all that sugar in the maple syrup! Add flax seeds and you can eat pancakes with a smile!
  • muffins -- does this even need an explanation? Always throw some into your muffins for extra fiber & nutrition!
One of the best things about ground flax seeds is that they are gelatinous when they get wet... this means they make a wonderful egg substitute in gluten free, egg free, or vegan baking!

Most baking experts recommend not replacing more than 2 eggs in a recipe with ground flax seeds. If you replace 3 or more eggs, you will drastically change the texture & possibly the taste of your baked good.

Keep in mind that unlike eggs, ground flax seeds will not help your baked good rise (those wonderful egg whites do that!) nor will they provide the moisture or texture qualities that egg yolks have.

For a basic egg replacer use 1 tablespoon of ground flax seeds mixed with 3 tablespoons hot water, this equals 1 egg.

Some of my favorite recipes that use ground flax seeds are:

Do you use ground flax seeds? What do you add them too?