Saturday, August 28, 2010

Grilled Garlicky-Lemon Asparagus by Rella

Today's guest author is Rella of the blog Penny Pinching Epicure, a wonderful allergen-friendly food blog. Be sure to check out Rella's recipe for Quick & Easy Barbecued chicken with a homemade gluten free BBQ sauce, which was shared yesterday here on! 

Garlickly-Lemony Asparagus

I think perhaps the best way to enjoy asparagus is grilled--just enough so that the asparagus is soft, but not so much that it loses its delectable crunch and beautiful green color. I don't have a grill handy normally, and the best way I can replicate the delight of grilled asparagus is popping it under the broiler for just a few minutes. You can use a stove-top grill pan too, but I find I don't like that as much. The garlic, lemon, and cracked black pepper work perfectly with the sweet asparagus.

You may or may not know this trick, but trimming asparagus is super easy--pick up a piece of asparagus, and bend it until the bottom snaps off. It will break at just the right place to ensure you don't get to woody, stringy bottom (for a video, just google "trimming asparagus,” lots of great tutorials).

Garlickly-Lemony Asparagus

1 Tbsp olive oil
juice of 1 lemon (~2 Tbsp)
1 garlic clove, minced fine
1/2 tsp sea salt
2-3 grinds of pepper
1 bunch of asparagus, trimmed

1. Combine oil, garlic, lemon, sea salt, and pepper. Toss asparagus until well coated.
2. Lay asparagus in a single layer on a baking sheet. Broil for 3-4 minutes until asparagus is soft but still very green.

Serve hot or cold. For a great summer salad, cut asparagus into bite-sized pieces and add 1 chopped tomato, a handful of chopped green onion, and some whole kernel sweet corn.

Rella of Penny Pinching Epicure has been dairy free for 4 years and gluten free for 1. Almost a year ago, she launched her blog as a way to show that you can make gourmet, delicious food and still maintain a pretty tight food budget, even with food allergies!