Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Gluten Free Raw Berry Blueberry Pie & Pudding Recipe

I really like pudding. It was one of my favorite foods as a child and I still love it. Unfortunately most puddings are made with milk, which is a no-no. They are also usually very processed and contain ingredients that I no longer want myself or my family to eat.

I've attempted making coconut milk pudding in the past, but I wasn't able to perfect the texture and flavor. After doing a little research, I realized that chia seeds (which I had only been tossing into smoothies) can naturally thicken up a non-dairy pudding or pie filling. Chia seeds are a great natural vegetarian alternative to gelatin to create a gel-like texture to foods. They are often used in egg free baking because ground chia meal and whole chia seeds become gelatinous much like an egg white when mixed with warm or hot water. Chia seeds are a great source of super healthy soluble and non-soluble fiber, omega 3 fatty acids, and are an excellent vegetarian source of protein.

I wish I had thought of creating this recipe while my nephew Christopher was visiting with us. He loves yogurt and I think I could have convinced him to eat this wonderfully healthy "pudding!" Especially if I had put it in a Dan-o-nino cup... lol...

This was my first non-smoothie experiment in my new (refurbished) Vitamix. I am so impressed that it completely pulverized the chia seeds into a beautiful & delicious pudding! (Reconditioned Vitamix's are still on sale for only $374, a STEAL compared to their regular price! They are selling out quickly so act fast if you'd like to get one at the reduced price! I don't make any money from recommending them! It's just such an amazing price, if you have been pining for a VM... now's the time!)

Purists may not consider this a raw recipe since I used simmering water mixed with the chia seeds to create the texture for the pie. I'm okay with that. I love the fact that this is such a healthy "dessert" that comes simply from berries, chia seeds, and a little agave.

I will post my almond flour pie crust later this week. I need to tweak the liquid measurements just a bit to get  a better texture. Please stay tuned for a super easy pat-in-the-pan, low glycemic, gluten free pie crust that is perfect for this berry pie!

Raw Berry Blueberry Pudding & Pie Filling
Created by Carrie @ Gingerlemongirl.com
Free of gluten, soy, dairy/casein, grains, eggs, granulated sugar, and yeast
Printer-friendly recipe.

1 quart fresh strawberries, tops removed
1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries
3 tablespoons chia seeds
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup agave nectar -or- sweetener of choice
1 prepared 9" gluten free pie crust

Heat 1/2 cup of water until it just comes to a simmer. Remove it from the heat and add the chia seeds. Stir quickly as the mixture becomes gelled. If the mixture is too stiff stir in up to 2 tablespoons additional water until it is pourable. Add sweetener to the chia mixture and stir until combined. Add chia mixture to your blender or vitamix. Add strawberries & blueberries. In the Vitamix, slowly bring up to 10 and process for 1-2 minutes until mixture is completely smooth and blended. Pour mixture into your prepared pie crust. Refrigerate at least 2 hours (and up to overnight for the best flavor and texture). Cut into slices and serve.
