Thursday, August 19, 2010

Gluten Free Must Reads: Simply Sugar & Gluten Free

Today marks the first post of a new feature on! Every week or so I will be spotlighting a different food blog that I believe is making a difference in the gluten free community. 

This week we are featuring Amy Green of Simply Sugar & Gluten Free.
Amy started her gluten free blog in 2009. A little over a year later Amy is now a soon-to-be cookbook author with a popular gluten free cooking blog.

Amy's Simply Sugar & Gluten Free is not your average cooking & baking blog. She focuses on whole, healthy, & nourishing foods. As the blog implies Amy does not use sugar in her baking. She uses a variety of sugar alternatives for sweet & savory foods.

Amy's recipes range from breakfasts, breads, side dishes, desserts, main dishes, etc... Amy works hard to make her meals not only healthier than the regular American fare, but beautiful and appetizing as well!

Amy also teaches gluten free cooking classes in the Dallas area, recently hosted a beautiful gluten free brunch for local gluten free bloggers, and she's currently working hard on her soon-to-be-published gluten free cookbook

Amy's recipes are not only delicious, but simple to make and usually have a short list of easy-to-find ingredients. A few recipes I can't wait to try include: 
Make sure to stop by Simply Sugar & Gluten Free this week and learn more about Amy, her wonderful blog, and her upcoming gluten free cookbook! 

Many thanks to Amy for making the world of gluten free living a better place! 

Amy Green, author of Simply Sugar & Gluten Free & upcoming gluten free cookbook author! 
Look for Amy's book in stores nationwide Winter/Spring 2011!


If you're interested on having your blog featured on GF Must Reads, please email me and tell me why you & your blog would be a good candidate and how you make the world of GF living a better place!

Help! I need a few people willing to write a guest post for!

I'll be out of town for the International Food Blogger's Conference next week and I need a few willing food bloggers to write a guest post for me! If you're interested please email me ASAP! I will need the posts emailed to me no later than Tuesday August 24th! Topics can be anything about gluten free living. A recipe, a cookbook review, a restaurant review, a bio on why you're gluten free, kid-friendly gluten free stuff... whatever you want to write about regarding your gluten free life! Thanks so much for helping me out! I look forward to hearing from you!