Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Facebook & August News

A few months ago I started a facebook page for It's an active online community forum for those of us who live & eat gluten free. I love the conversations and the questions this site has inspired.

If you're a member of Facebook I'd love to have you "Like" the page. I love that it's "always open" and there are always people to answer gluten free cooking & baking questions. It's a great place to get meal ideas, answers to questions about gluten free products, baking advice, and it's just a great place to meet new gluten free friends!

Also, if you read this blog via a feed reader or your email, please click through to the website today. My dear friend Jennifer redesigned the header on my blog and I think it looks really great! I'd love to hear your thoughts! Please stop by Jennifer's new super cute healthy living blog, A Girl Who Love Cupcakes and send her a comment a two!

International Food Bloggers Conference 2010

In a few weeks the Ginger Lemon Guy & I will be heading to Seattle, WA to attend the 2010 International Food Blogger's Conference. I'm very excited (and a little nervous) about this trip and I'd love to hear your recommendations for where to visit in downtown Seattle (besides the Space Needle and Pike Place Market!) I'm excited about finally meeting fellow friends & gluten free bloggers like:
The best part of this trip for me will be meeting all of these fabulous & inspiring gluten free women who are making the world of gluten free living a much better place!  We will be treated to an amazing gluten free meal on Sunday afternoon prepared by none other than the Chef himself.

The conference is including guest speakers such as Morgan Spurlock, Amy Sherman, Kristine Kidd, Diane Jacob, and many many more!

For the full IFBC itinerary, please visit here... I can't even begin to describe all of the amazing events we will be a part of!

Make sure to stop by on Facebook and say hello!