Thursday, July 8, 2010

Gluten Free Chocolate Protein Smoothies

I really love smoothies for breakfast & right before bed as an evening snack in warm weather. Lately I've been making a variation of this protein "ice-cream". During the summer I really want something cold (but healthy) that feels like a treat and this smoothie really hits the spot.

I like to use either raw cacao or raw cacao nibs in this smoothie because the health benefits and because I just like the taste. You could also use regular cocoa powder or even carob powder.

If you don't want to use a protein powder (and if you don't like the taste of protein powder, you probably won't like the taste of this smoothie) you can also just use a frozen banana or other fruit of your choice. I really like this vegan brown rice protein powder. You can also use a dairy or soy based protein powder if your body is okay with those proteins!

And check out the awesome blog "Heather Eats Almond Butter" she's become one of my favorite foodie blogs. She focuses on foods that work for her body type. For Heather that means a higher protein, lots of veggies & healthy fats. A base of foods similar to what we eat in our household as well! Heather is also expecting, so lately she's been posting a variety of fun pregnancy recipes! It's been a joy to read about her daily journey to becoming a mom! Go visit and send her happy congrats!

Cinnamon "Chocolate" Protein Smoothie
a variation of Heather's Heabified Protein Ice Cream

1 cup almond milk
1 tablespoon raw cacao -or- raw cacao nibs
2 tablespoons brown rice protein powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon
pinch xanthan gum (only if you want an "ice-cream" type texture)
1 dropper-full vanilla stevia
1 tablespoon raw honey
9-15 cubes of ice

Add all to your blender and blend until smooth. If you have a Vitamix you are one lucky duck & I am insanely jealous!! :-) However, my KitchenAid blender does a fairy decent job of blending this into a great smoothie! I also blend this in a Magic Bullet, and while it doesn't have the power of my blender, it still turns out a fantabulously yummy chocolately smoothie!!

Serve immediately with a really fun and super green handmade glass straw from GlassDharma! Makes 1 large serving!
