Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Apple Blueberry Pie Smoothie

I love smoothies! Especially in the summer! Lately I've been making green smoothies with spinach and lots of superfoods like raw cacao, maca powder, and spirulina. And for a delicious addition of protein: brown rice protein powder and raw almond butter.

Occasionally though for a more "dessert" like smoothie I just want fruit.

This smoothie was especially good. I don't think smoothies really need recipes. Add what you like. See what works. Play.

This smoothie that I'm calling an "Apple Blueberry Pie Smoothie" had:
  • a handful of fresh blueberries from our csa box
  • about half a cup of apple sauce
  • almond milk
  • cinnamon
  • vanilla stevia
  • lots of ice!
What are your favorite summer smoothies?
What fruit and vegetable combinations have you been using lately?

Want to learn more about green smoothies? Check out this series.

Need help learning how to create awesomely healthy and delicious smoothies? Meghan Telpner is releasing a brand spanking new version of her Green Smoothie Cleanse Tutorial THIS WEEK and it features a favorite smoothie recipe from my blog! Go check out her amazing blog and pick up your copy of her incredibly smart & yummy green smoothie tutorial!