Sunday, June 6, 2010

30 Days of Gluten Free Quick & Easy Meals

What: Quick and Easy Meals for the next 30 days!

June 7th - July 6th


Would you like to contribute a guest post? Email me @ gingerlemongirl at gmail dot com

Posting Guidelines:
-Recipes need to be easily prepared in 20 minutes or less
-Gluten Free (of course!)
-A focus on whole foods, lots of fresh vegetables, whole grains, etc..

-Please use as little salt & sugar as possible
-If possible, please create meals that are dairy/casein & soy free
-Chicken, beef, healthy lean meat based main dishes are also welcome!

I taught a small gluten free baking class over the weekend. We baked a loaf of gluten free bread, made chocolate chip cookies, and just talked about gluten free living in general.

Laura asked "So what do you do for dinner?" Her question really intrigued me. It's so simple, yet it's something we face everyday.

I've learned to rely on using my pantry for quick dinners most nights, but I know this isn't as easy for people with children and have to get used to doing at least 5 things at once! (You moms out there really amaze me! I have a hard enough time keeping up with myself, my husband, and my cats! At this point in my life, I can't imagine adding children to the mix!)

So I thought it might be a fun experiment to chronicle our really quick dinners for the next 30 days. I am also welcoming ANYONE else who wants to contribute a post to this series!! Please email me at (gingerlemongirl at gmail dot com) to let me know you'd like to write a guest post for this series!

What I love about quick meals is that you can have a super easy dinner that's healthy, frugal, and delicious. No super expensive ingredients are necessary.

Our meals are mostly vegetarian, easy, and quick. Most of these meals take 20 minutes or less.

For a start, here are 3 meals that we already make a regular basis that are quick, easy, and delicious:

Super Easy Marinara Sauce - Serve over your favorite pasta and have a side salad!

Easy, Delicious Gluten Free Pancakes - Breakfast for dinner is one of our favorite meals!

Easy Gluten Free Stir Fry Recipe - Such an easy and delicious quick dinner!