Wednesday, June 9, 2010

30 Days Gluten Free Quick & Easy: Day 3 - Brooke's Veggie Stir Fry

Welcome to 30 Days Gluten Free Quick & Easy Meals!

Today's post is written by Brooke, author of: Gluten Free... Who? Me?

Day 3: Veggie Stir Fry & Garbanzo Bean Cake

Not only am I a newbie on the blogging scene, I’m pretty new to the whole gluten-free thing too. When I first started my blog "Gluten Free…Who? ME?" it was out of a desire to create a virtual file cabinet for my out-of-control life. As if being a relatively new wife, new homeowner, newly graduated Social Worker, and in the first year of my first big-girl job wasn’t enough – I was diagnosed with celiac disease.

Basically, I was in the midst of complete chaos. Life was so chaotic with all the new things happening, especially with the celiac diagnosis, I felt like my life made no sense whatsoever. In my effort to get my own thoughts out of my head I decided to start a blog.

If you have the opportunity to stop by my blog please don’t hesitate to share any advice you might have – I’m still learning about blogging and being gluten free – in oh so many ways!

But for today I want to share one of my favorite recipes of all time, and now an even more important staple in our home since going gluten free.

This stir-fry is vegetarian and completely delicious – with so many vegetables adding a variety of textures you don’t even miss the meat (my committed carnivore husband even agrees).

You can certainly thinly slice some chicken, steak, or toss in a few shrimp if you would like; however, I really don’t think you’ll miss a thing. You’ll notice that I managed to track down some amazing gluten-free stir-fry sauce!

I found the sauce at Wegmans and it can also be ordered online as well. The entire recipe is so fresh, so simple, and so quick – you’ll have dinner on the table and all your daily vegetable servings done in no time!

Recipe for Veggie Stir-Fry (serves 4)
Originally posted @ Gluten Free...Who?Me?

6 cups fresh Veggies of choice (I used 2 cups of broccoli and mushrooms, 1 cup of peppers and baby carrots, and 1/2 cup of onions.)
1 can baby corn
1 can water chestnuts
1 bottle Wheat-Free/Gluten Free Premier Japan Teriyaki Sauce
Season to taste (I used ground ginger, garlic, red pepper flakes, and black pepper)

Use a little EVOO in a large pan or wok and add in the onions and garlic first. After you add each new veggies group drizzle some of the stir-fry sauce on top. Next the carrots (take about 5-10minutes for these), then add in the broccoli and peppers (give those about 5 minutes), and in the rest of the veggies and both cans (drain first), and give them about 10 minutes to all come together. Add in the spices and any remaining sauce - cook for about 5 minutes more and your done!

I served mine over brown rice and added about 1 T of stir-fry sauce to the boiling water.

And, I would not be true to myself if I didn’t share one of my favorite recipes since going gluten free – Flourless Chocolate Cake. I love this because I am not one for having to deal with flour mixes, gums, and whatever else gets concocted together to re-create wheat flour. I like simple and easy. And this recipe is not only simple and easy to prepare, it’s also pretty darn healthy too!
I really hope you’ll give it a go, even though you may find one of the ingredients to be a little…well…unusual.

Garbanzo Bean Cake:
originally posted @ Gluten Free...Who? Me?

2 cups semi sweet chocolate chips
2.25 cups of garbanzo beans, rinse and drain
4 eggs
3/4 cup of sugar
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon vanilla

In a blender (I know its strange, just do it!) mix the beans, eggs, sugar, and baking powder.
Place 1.5 cups of chocolate chips in a microwave safe bowl and heat for 2 minutes. Stop to stir every 30 seconds. And the chocolate to the blender and blend to combine. Add the remaining chips and just stir to mix in.
Prepare a round baking pan (be sure to use a gluten free cooking spray or flower to coat - this cake is very dense and sticky so you want to be sure it lifts out later) and then dump the blended mixture in. Bake at 350 for 35-45 minutes.

Suggested Toppings:

2 cups frozen raspberries (Place in microwave safe bowl, add two tablespoons jelly - whatever is on hand, and heat for 2 minutes or so in the microwave)
Powdered sugar to dust over top
French vanilla icecream
Any fresh fruit
Whipped cream
More chocolate
I could continue...but I think you get the picture...

Thanks so much to Carrie for allowing me as a newbie to share a little bit of my story and a few of the recipes I’ve fallen for since going gluten-free.

About Brooke (also known as "Ness"), author of Gluten Free... Who? Me?

Brooke is a new gluten free blogger. She's in her early 20's, is newly married, and spends her free time with her husband & two "kids" (doxies). Brooke works for a non-profit as a Social Worker and is very thankful for the daily opportunities she has to work with children who have survived brain injuries. Thanks so much for sharing a little about yourself and a few of your quick and easy gluten free recipes with us Brooke!

Stay Tuned for Day 4 of 30 Days Gluten Free Quick & Easy Meals. Tomorrow Rebekah @ TheHappyTummy will share a super easy salmon recipe.