Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Adopt a Gluten Free Blogger 2/10 Part 1: The Cinnamon Quill

I spent quite a bit of time last month baking gluten free bread...

Plain 'ol gluten free, casein free sandwich bread made with whole grains and no rice flour... we'll get to posting that recipe around here before too long...

Cinnamon Rum Raisin Bread... don't worry the recipe will be posted here soon. You will want this recipe! Ever miss Pepperidge Farms Cinnamon Swirl bread? You won't after this!

Gluten Free Girl's Calamata Olive & Rosemary Boule. This is one of the best techniques I've ever learned in making gluten free bread. You can use Shauna's technique with nearly any gluten free bread recipe. It's easy and takes 5-10 minutes to mix up your dough... let the yeast work slowly and naturally on your counter top, or even in the fridge... and then make bread. You'll never miss wheat if you try Shauna's bread.

And last but most definitely not least?

Gluten Free Vegan Bread from Jenn at The Cinnamon Quill.

Jennifer is an incredible photographer and baker. Her blog is beautifully designed and her recipes will make your mouth water. All recipes at The Cinnamon Quill are gluten free, and most are also vegan.

When I decided to participate in this month's Adopt a Gluten Free Blogger event hosted by Thomas at The GFCF Experience, I immediately wanted to take the opportunity to make one of Jenn's recipes.

Since I was on a bread baking spree I opted to try Jenn's gluten free, vegan bread. I think it's a necessary skill to learn how to make baked goods without eggs, especially if you already have other food allergies. It is not always easy... but with Jenn's tried and true recipes? You will consider yourself an experienced allergen-free, egg-free baker!

I love that Jenn's recipe for Gluten Free, Vegan, Buckwheat Bread uses a ton of gluten free whole grains (often missing from gluten free baked goods) and her instructions for baking gluten free bread are wonderful for beginning GF bakers!

I did make a few changes to Jenn's recipe. I only used 1 1/2 teaspoons yeast instead of a tablespoon. When making gluten free bread recipes I've found that you generally don't need as much yeast as most recipes call for to create a great rise. Instead of sugar, I used 3 tablespoons of honey and I cut down the xanthan gum to 1 1/4 teaspoons. Also, I didn't have any buckwheat flour, so I used quinoa flour instead.

I actually used Shauna's method of letting the bread rise for a long time on the counter & then baking it, because it is so much fun to make an artisan loaf! It made an absolutely beautiful free form bread! I was able to make 2 (1 lb.) loaves using Jenn's recipe. The end results turned out a beautiful crispy brown crust, and a chewy, lovely center! This is definitely a recipe to learn and keep on hand... perfect when you need bread and just so happen to be out of eggs (you'd be amazed at how often this happens in my kitchen!)

Many thanks to Thomas of The GFCF Experience for hosting the Adopt a Gluten Free blogger event this month. And many thanks to Jenn of the Cinnamon Quill for providing such a wonderful recipe!

Now, if only I had time to try out Jenn's latest recipe for Gluten Free Thin Mints and Gluten Free Oreos! Can we say YUM!

**Later this week I will share another recipe review for Adopt a Gluten Free Blogger from an outstanding gluten free home chef! Stay tuned!**