Monday, January 4, 2010

2010: The Year of Gluten Free Abundance

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Start your new year off with Gluten Free Bagels for breakfast!

I've been pondering what to write to begin Ginger Lemon Girl for the year 2010. Just saying 2010 seems far away... a time in the distant future... a time I'm not quite sure what to do with.

2009 seems like it just came and now the year is over and a new one has begun.

Many things have happened this year. It was a good year for me. Uneventful in some ways, most eventful in others.

Eventfully, I tried several methods of getting healthy... all were very positive experiences that I learned a lot from... but they didn't get me to the level I needed to reach.

Health can be such a tricky goal. While I feel incredibly healthy on the gluten free front... I seldom get a migraine these days, I am continuing to learn how to eat dairy free, and soy free. I'm thankful to continue to learn what foods my body needs to be healthy.

But in other areas: primarily my weight, my cholesterol, and my triglycerides... I still need to learn what will work for my body. I need to be at a healthy weight. I want to be at a healthy weight.

I want to be able to control the level of my cholesterol and triglycerides without the help of medication.

I thought following a vegan diet would do the trick... but unfortunately it did not change my numbers enough to make the difference I need.

So I'll be continuing on my journey to good health, along with following a gluten free, soy free, and casein free diet. We will continue to eat mostly plant based meals with chicken, lean meats, and fish once or twice a week.

As my health lifestyle continues to change, so will Ginger Lemon Girl. Exercise will become a top goal for me in 2010. With the re-arranging priorities will come the re-arranging of time to cook and bake.

I will continue to post recipes as often as I can... I know that recipes are the core of this blog and I don't want to change that... Yet, I also want to be real and honest and share what life brings in this New Year. Thank you for bearing with me as Ginger Lemon Girl changes and adapts to life a little bit healthier!

I sincerely hope you will join me on the journeys to come!

May this new year bring health, joy, and peace to you and your family.