Monday, March 23, 2009

Ginger Lemon Girl On the Air...

Ginger Lemon Girl goes Live via online radio air!

I will be participating in a live radio program hosted by Jenn of Frugal Upstate:, along with Amanda from Mrs. W's Kitchen. Amanda graciously suggested my blog to Jenn and Lynnae! Thanks Amanda!!

Jenn's online radio call-in show airs live each Monday night. It is called "Frugal Coast2Coast." Each week Jenn focuses on a different "frugal" topic which she discusses with her blog readers and radio listeners.

On Monday, March 30th, Jenn and her co-host Lynnae (from Being will be discussing how to be frugal on a special diet. They have invited me to discuss gluten free eating on a budget!

Here is the website for the call-in radio show!

I'd love for you to share your ideas with me on how YOU are gluten free on a budget!

Please drop me an email (gingerlemongirl (at)gmail(dot)com) or leave me a comment below!

I hope you will listen in on Monday March 30th, or even call into Jenn's radio show!! I'd love to hear from you!

Also,if you are not a member already, I invite you join in the conversation with my Gluten Free Recipe Swap Group! We have a lively group of 200+ members involved in ongoing discussions regarding gluten free recipes, gluten free menus, gluten free grocery shopping, etc... Please join in the fun!!