Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Veggies a la Rosa (Gluten Free)

I've always liked broccoli, garden peas, carrots, green beans, etc... but generally I have always eaten them out of a can or frozen.

Recently though, I've been trying to incorporate more fresh vegetables into our diet. Since I started a low carbohydrate diet in January, vegetables have become a prominent part of dinner.

Last weekend, Michael and I ate lunch at an Italian-American deli. I had a dish of sauteed veggies in a lemon butter sauce topped with a lovely piece of salmon and fresh shaved parmesan. It was an absolutely delicious lunch. I was so impressed with the vegetables. Interestingly, the veggies were the highlight of the dish for me! They were so fresh and beautifully prepared. Yellow and green zucchini, sweet onions, fresh garlic, button mushrooms, red and green peppers, and a vegetable I wasn't very familiar with... eggplant.

Eggplant. I tried this strange purple skinned vegetable several different times previously and I can honestly say I have never liked it. Never...

Until now. This eggplant was soft and not bitter. Merged with the gentle flavors of butter, lemon, and white wine this vegetable was delightful! I had to try it at home.

Last night I sauteed eggplant for the first time! I was not disappointed. I did not have any white wine, so I used a merlot instead. The merlot gave the white eggplant flesh a beautiful "rosy" appearance and it was a great flavor addition to the sauce.

Veggies a la Rosa

1/2 of a large eggplant, sliced thinly and cubed
1 green zucchini, sliced thinly
1 yellow zucchini, sliced thinly
2 cloves garlic, finely minced
1/2 medium sweet onion, chopped finely
** Any other veggies you would like to add, button mushrooms, red or green peppers, would be a lovely addition!

2 tablespoons butter (or coconut oil)
2 tablespoons olive oil
Salt and Pepper to taste
2-4 tablespoons a good quality Merlot (-or- white wine for a lighter flavor)
2 tablespoons lemon juice

Optional Toppings:
Freshly shaved parmesan
Toasted pine nuts or walnuts

In a large non-stick wok or skillet melt butter and add olive oil on medium-high heat until lightly sizzling. Add onion and garlic and lightly saute for 1-2 minutes. Add remaining vegetables and sauce ingredients. Saute 5-8 minutes until vegetables are soft and tender. Plate and top with shaved parmesan and toasted nuts! Makes 2-4 medium sized servings. Serve hot.

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