Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Sugar Free January 2009

Hello 2009!

I don't know about you, my dear friends, but 2009 really snuck up on me. It's nearly the middle of January and I haven't posted a single recipe this year.

That will be resolved very soon.

For the past several years my husband and I have had a fast during the month of January. We slowly let go of sugar for the whole month and tried to eat as healthily as possible. To see our plan from last year, click here.

This year will be a bit different. This Ginger Lemon Girl seriously needs to get healthy. So we're cutting WAY back on sugar. I'm going to do some serious investigating of other natural sweeteners, I'm going to tweak recipes, we're going to incorporate healthy low-carb recipes into our daily lifestyle, I'm going to eat vegetables (seriously... real ones!), and I'm going to dig out the Richard Simmons videos. Stop laughing, I love Richard Simmons!

And this isn't going to end in January. You're stuck with a healthier Ginger Lemon Girl...

At least until next Thanksgiving.

Stay tuned for a delicious refined sugar-free cookie recipe coming your way! ;-)

Best wishes to you all for a Happy, Healthy 2009!!!