Friday, December 5, 2008

A Gobsmacked Fundraiser!

My dear friends and readers,

I have a request for you! This is not something I would normally do, but my friend Kate the amazing cook and baker at Gluten Free Gobsmacked is having an adoption fundraiser. She is auctioning off a signed copy of Shauna James Ahern's first book, "Gluten-Free Girl."

This adoption fundraiser touches my heart in so many ways. Kate and I share a passion for adoption. I have been praying all along Kate's journey of adopting a baby girl. This baby girl is now in the process of coming home to Kate and her Love.

One of the biggest stumbling blocks with international adoptions though, is the staggering costs involved. Cost alone has been the biggest reason My own love and I have not pursued international adoption as of yet. But costs will not separate nor discourage our Gobsmacked momma who is eagerly awaiting to cradle that beautiful little girl.

This fundraiser is a great opportunity for you to help Kate and her Love bring this beautiful baby girl home.

If you don't have a copy of Shauna's beautifully written book on discovering foods after becoming gluten free, I highly encourage you to make a bid. Even if you own a copy, this would make a perfect gift for a fellow food lover!

Remember that if you make a bid for this book you are not only purchasing a beautiful gift for yourself or a friend, you are helping to bring one little girl home to her family.

And that is a gift that is truly priceless.

We love you Kate, not only for your amazing gluten free recipes, but for your generosity of spirit, and your love of life and family. I pray this little girl gets home to you very soon!

To visit Kate's post on the "Gluten Free Girl" Adoption Fundraiser, please click here.

To make a bid immediately, please click here.

You have until December 9th, to make a bid!!