Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sweet Tomato and Feta Tart (Gluten Free)

Last Saturday Michael and I attended a family reunion. I had very little time to prepare a dish and I needed to use what was on hand.

After opening the fridge, I found a huge tomato from the farmer's market, leftover feta cheese, and cream cheese.

The cream cheese inspired me to make the easy gluten free pie crust I posted yesterday, and the tomato reminded me of a tomato tart I saw online. I couldn't find a recipe for that particular tart... but I did remember my friend Betty telling me about a tomato pie she made for church social a few months ago.

Using those ideas I created this tomato tart. I am very pleased with the results!

It was so good I had to sneak two pieces just for myself at the family reunion. Afterwards, I had to go back to the road side farmer's market to buy 2 more fresh tomatoes so I could make this tart again for our Sunday evening meal. It is divine. It is so simple. It's also incredibly photogenic.

I hope you will enjoy this tart as much as I have! I'll only be able to make the tart summer through mid-fall until the local tomatoes stop producing.Which is actually quite a blessing. Seasonal meals are often more enjoyable and something to look forward too!

And for you folks keeping track... Michael really liked this tomato tart. He even had a second helping.

Sweet Tomato and Feta Tart

1 large (10") easy gluten free pie crust, pre-baked for 10 minutes
1 large fresh tomato, sliced
1/3 cup real mayonnaise (like Duke's, which is tart and has NO sugar)
1/2 cup feta or freshly grated parmesan cheese, reserve half
1/2 cup freshly grated mozzarella cheese, reserve half
2 teaspoons Italian seasoning , reserve 1 teaspoon
1 teaspoon SPIKE garlic granules, or other garlic seasoning
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper
1/2 cup gluten free bread crumbs


Pre-bake pie crust as directed in a tart pan. If you would like, you can also brush pre-baked pie crust with an egg white mixed with 1 tablespoon of water and return to oven for 5 minutes to brown (This will make the pie look more like a regular "gluten" pie crust). Remove from oven and set aside to cool.

In a small bowl mix together mayonnaise, 1/4 cup mozzarella cheese, 1/4 cup feta or parmesan cheese, 1 teaspoon italian seasoning, garlic seasoning, salt and pepper.

Spread mayonnaise mixture on cooled, prebaked pie crust. Layer tomato slices over mayonnaise mixture.

In another small bowl mix together remaining cheeses, 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning, and gluten free bread crumbs. Sprinkle mixture evenly over sliced tomatoes.

Place in a preheated 400 degree oven for 10-12 minutes until cheeses have melted and tomatoes have heated through and roasted slightly.

Serve tart hot or cold. I actually preferred this tart on the cool side. Can be used as an appetizer or a light main dish with a green leaf salad!
