Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Apple Mint Salad and a GF BBQ Party!

I was invited to a virtual Gluten Free BBQ Party and so are you! Visit Kate at Gluten Free Gobsmacked to find out how you can participate and "come along" to the Gluten Free BBQ!!

For this event, I signed up for the letter "A." This meant that I would bring a food or dish that started with "A." Originally I wanted to make something with avocados, and I tried several things (other than salsa) but they didn't turn out so great.

So I decided to stick with something I know well! Apples! I love apples. Apples are a staple crop where I grew up in the mountains of VA, so I thought I'd make an apple salad.

Recently, Rachel from The Crispy Cook (formerly Meat Free Wheat Free) had a book giveaway and I won! She sent me a copy of Tassajara Cooking by Edward Espe Brown. I am thrilled with this cookbook! It is a wonderful book that focuses on simple and fresh methods for cooking and serving fruits and vegetables! Rachel had no idea how much I needed this cookbook!

I chose a quick apple salad recipe out of the book and adapted it to include a very simple, healthy, and delicious dressing! ('cause this southern gal has to add a dressing to EVERY salad. Just accept it! ;-)

I love the fresh mint pared with the sweet apples and sour grapefruit! This is not a combination I would have thought of on my own, but it's lovely. Michael doesn't like grapefruit, and next time I make this I may substitute an orange so he can enjoy it too!

Many thanks to Kate for organizing this wonderful gluten free blogging event! Make sure to visit Gluten Free Gobsmacked soon for a roundup of the Gluten Free BBQ 2008 !!

Apple Mint Salad

Adapted from Tassajara Cooking by Edward Espe Brown

2 large gala or granny smith apples, diced
1 large ruby red grapefruit, pared and diced

3-5 leaves fresh mint

1/4 cup orange juice

2 tablespoons greek yogurt

1 tablespoons honey


In a pretty glass serving dish mix chopped apples and diced grapefruit pieces.

"Chiffonade" your fresh mint by rolling the leaves together horizontally, like this. Then finely cut the roll into small slices, this will result in a chiffonade cut. Feelin' fancy now aren't you? Oh come on.. I know you do! (These pictures are courtesy of The Pioneer Woman Cooks!!)

Toss the chiffonaded mint into the apple and grapefruit.

In a small measuring cup mix together the orange juice, honey, and greek yogurt. Drizzle over the salad and toss to coat. Serve immediately or chill for several hours. This salad is delicious and refreshing either way!! Enjoy!

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