Monday, June 9, 2008

Adopt a Gluten Free Blogger - June 2008 - Karen of Sometimes Only Clever

For this month's event, hosted by Thomas of the Gluten Free/Casein Free Experience I adopted Karen of Sometimes Only Clever. Karen blogs about her Christian life with her husband, kids, her current pregnancy, and her hobbies. She is an avid hiker and loves the outdoors and she also is a great gluten free baker and cook! Make sure to check out Karen's "101 Random Things about Me" page.

The recipe that I made was for Karen's "oatmeal" breakfast cookies. These are fantastic!! If you miss things like Quaker Oats breakfast cookies - which I used to eat regularly - these are a great gluten free alternative! They are hearty, full of protein, fiber, and vitamins!! The cookies also store beautifully! Karen uses quinoa flakes in place of oatmeal in this recipe. I love how these cookies turned out and they were a great alternative to muffins, which I tire of easily. Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of my cookies, but the next time I make them I will add a picture to this post!

Karen also has a great recipe for homemade rice milk, which I'm going to try very soon! I use rice milk often both for drinking and cooking, so having a more frugal, cheaper, dairy and casein free alternative is exciting to me!

Make sure to check out this month's Adopt a Gluten Free Blogger roundup at Thomas' GFCF Experience today!