Monday, April 21, 2008

This Week's Menu and a Giveaway!

**UPDATE: The deadline for entering the giveaway below, is Thursday April 24th by midnight! Please leave a comment and sign up for an email subscription (if you don't have one) ASAP to be in the drawing! A winner will be announced on Friday April 25th! **

Finally! I'm back with my weekly menu plan! The past few weeks I have been thrown off due to a different work schedule and some unexpected trips. Michael is now the first one home most days and he's been in charge of starting dinner, which means SUPER simple, but yummy meals. (Amy, aren't you impressed!) And since Michael has been so willing to be in charge, he's choosing the meals!

The ingredient of the week with the gluten free menu swap is cilantro. I'm not a fan of cilantro so we won't be making anything with this herb, but visit Gluten Free Mommy for more gluten free menu plans and meal ideas this week!

It's also strawberry season in North Carolina! Make sure to check out my recent post on how to make a gluten free fresh strawberry pie!

Gluten Free Menu Swap Monday

This Week's Menu:

Asian Veggie Stirfry with Brown Rice

Baked Macaroni and Cheese with GF hotdogs (Kelly -- see what you started!!)
Green Beans
Cinnamon Applesauce

Out for Mexican

Baked potatoes with chili or veggie topping
Tuna salad sandwiches

Grilled Cheeseburgers
Seasoned Fries
Black Bean and Corn Salad

Michael bought and planted this hydrangea for me last weekend!


The good folks over at Triumph Dining were kind enough to send me their latest edition of "The Essential Gluten Free Restaurant Guide."

This guide is really a fabulous tool to have if you are on a gluten free diet! It includes menus for over 4,700 restaurants that serve gluten free meals! The guide also contains lists of gluten free foods available in many chain restaurants in the back of the book. This guide is perfect to have in your car to have at a glance if you are traveling!

Triumph Dining was also kind enough to send me a set of incredibly handy cards that you can take into restaurants to show the waitress and cooking staff about what you can and cannot eat on a gluten free diet. These cards are kept in a convenient ziplock bag and are available in many different languages, which will enable you to eat safely at many different restaurants with international cuisine!

Unfortunately, I don't do a lot of traveling outside of NC, so I think these cards and the restaurant guide would be incredibly helpful to someone who travels a lot or lives in a location with more gluten free choices!

Would you like to have this wonderful guide and a set of these helpful cards?

You can buy them directly from Triumph Dining here, or you can register to win!

Here is how you can win this set:

1. Leave me a comment below and tell me what kinds of recipes you would like to see more of on this site!

2. Sign up for an email subscription to this blog with Feedburner in the form below!! This is a great way for you to keep up with my blog and it's a shameless ploy to gain more readership!

3. We will randomly select a winner from your comments below! You MUST have an email subscription to qualify to win!

Enter your email address:

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I look forward to seeing your suggestions in the comments below and I hope you'll come back and visit this week!

I'll be featuring a yummy recipe for waffles and you might just get a visit from this month's Gluten Free Grill victim!!

The azaleas are blooming strong this week in eastern NC!